Saturday, 7 June 2014

RF24 with Energia and MSP430

Energia pinout on TI Launchpad
The MSP430 is a considerably easier target for RF24 than the ATtiny because it actually has its own SPI interface, see above.
// Set up nRF24L01 radio on SPI bus plus pins 8 & 9
RF24 radio(P2_1,P2_0);

// sets the role of this unit in hardware.  Connect to GND to be the 'pong' receiver
// Leave open to be the 'ping' transmitter
const int role_pin = P2_2;

Making the changes above to the pingpair sketch, allows a TI Launchpad to play an equal role in this proud application via Energia.

It's still early days for this project, this is really just a proof-of-concept. Things to be done include: porting RF24Network and reducing the library footprint, the pingpair sketch comes in at just over 8000 bytes (I think that unwanted parts of the stdio library are being included). Stay tuned!


  1. Hi, I am unable to integrate the RF24 library developed by you in Energia 1.6v. The application is not starting after pushing RF24 folder in Documents>Energia>libraries>RF24

  2. More information please! What do you mean "the application is not starting"?

  3. Got the issue of libraries. But now when I am burning pingpair it just shows up to Pong Back and halts there.
